Posts Tagged ‘Fire’


This class, Tactical Pistol and our Trauma Medical Class are the three classes of the 14 we offer that I can say are a must have.  Sometime in your life you are probably going to have to know the skills taught in these three classes.  No pre-req. is required for this class.  We cover how to disarm knives and guns,  how to choke our a much bigger adversary and how to get the fight over with fast.  This is one of the most popular courses for High School and College age girls and for those that work in areas where guns are not allowed.  Get trained!


In case you missed them, here’s the videos that Anthony put out last week!

AK Lighting Bolt

Franchising. What is it?

CCW in the Workplace

Surviving High School

Be sure to check them out to see some great content!


Do not confuse earned confidence with being cocky.  Do not kid yourself, confidence is different from macho ego fantasy. A cocky attitude can get you killed or hurt.  It can cost you a job or a career.  An attitude of EARNED confidence means you have put in the work.  You know what is at risk.  You know what reward awaits your hard work and decisive action.  When you know you can hurt or kill someone, a reasonable person will avoid the fight till he can avoid it no longer.  He is a humble warrior.  Earn your confidence with us.  Put in the effort.  Put in the time. Visit to sign up for a class where you will learn it right the first time.



Backpacking, hiking, biking, fishing- Sometimes in the outdoors you may come across large animals that could take your life just as easily as you could take theirs. When traveling in the backcountry, humans are not at the top of the food chain. 99% of the time, you will never have a life-threatening problem with an animal, but that one percent of the time, are you prepared to protect yourself? This is a very real type of situation that I have heard first-hand about; my cousin was dragged by a mountain lion when he was younger. Obviously in a situation like this you should first use every single precaution you can to avoid conflict with the animal, but sometimes they simply can’t be avoided. If bear spray isn’t going to do the trick, your 9mm/.45 caliber carry gun just isn’t going to cut it either. In fact, it is not recommended to shoot any sort of large animal with those calibers because you are more likely to just piss it off. Make sure to bring along a MINIMUM of .357 magnum to do the job should the need arise.



You may be asking “Is it really worth pointing my weapon at my junk every time I holster it?” When I sat down in Anthony’s tactical concealed carry class for the first time I was thinking the same thing. For some, the appendix carry setup is a little scary at first, but when you take a minute to think about the dynamics it is not as bad as people think. The main concern is that fact that your gun is going to be pointing at your femoral artery, where one shot in the right place could have you dead in minutes. The thing is, when you holster correctly, the gun only covers your body when completely holstered (which keeps the trigger covered and in my opinion can be safer than the actual switch safety). Pair proper form with a firing pin safety and you are set to go with your manhood/womanhood intact. Appendix carry is also a lot easier of a position to defend from. If you find yourself in a life or death situation, you can defend yourself much easier with your pistol in the sweet spot between both your hands where it can be easily accessed. Want to know the proper way to draw/holster your firearm? Sign up for the tactical pistol class online at
